Right-Click Disable

Right-Click Disable

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


My work often requires me to travel...frequently.  Sometimes my travels are only a day trip, but other times travelling might be for an entire week or more.  When I speak with people regarding my travels, they often comment about how exciting it must be to fly to different cities, eat out, stay in hotels, meet with people, and see various sights.  But for those who have travelled for any length of time, the reality is completely different.  Travelling involves dirty airport bathrooms, high-sodium food, long days, lack of sleep, and separation from loved ones.  Sure, one might meet with interesting people, and even see a sight-or-two while travelling.  Yet, a sight seen in solitude falls short of the fulfillment one receives by seeing a sight with loved ones.  As for me, the family sight wins 24-7-365.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

She calls me to bed as my body wearies;
She warms me at night like a blanket beside me;
She relaxes me as I lie in my bed surrounding me;
She coaxes me in dreams as REM consumes me;
She awakens me as the sun breaks the dawn;
She kisses me like sun rays upon my face;
She entices me to stay as the alarm sleeps;
She is my comfort, my joy, my rest;
She is my love.