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Friday, October 12, 2012

Loving You

To my love:

I love you for who you are, not for who you used to be.  I love you now, just the way you are.  I love you with no strings attached, no preconceived expectations, and no demands...just simple, crazy love.  You are my world, my universe, and I would give anything to live my whole life over again with you.

Forever yours,

Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's the Little Things That Matter

We often attempt to experience the big moments in life believing that those memories will be the ones that make a lasting imprint on our minds.  I believe we also need to enjoy the little moments...because it's the little things in life that matter.  So for just a few moments I encourage you to stop, take a breath, and reflect on the words below. Let your mind reminisce to that point in time where that little thing mattered.  It's okay to smile, laugh, or even cry as that little thing...that imprint on your memory evokes a wave of emotion.

Are you ready?  Remember...
  • your first bicycle...and your first fall and the associated cuts and scrapes
  • that cute little bee...that hurt you so badly when it stung
  • your first kiss...and first break-up but still "remaining friends"
  • your first car...and your first speeding ticket
  • that touch from someone special...and losing that when they are gone 
  • the birth of your first child...and the birth of your youngest
  • your wedding day...and your first "disagreement"
  • that gazing look from someone special...and that sharp look from them
  • that superb career ladder...and the late nights away from family
  • your best friend's laugh...and when you moved away from them
  • that someone special...who is still that someone special

...and you thought the little things didn't matter.