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Sunday, November 23, 2014

New Focus

Thanks to everyone for their many comments on my Life with Mike blog.  I've decided to retire this blog and write on a topic I'm passionate about--family life.  I've been considering how this new path might expand into various topics (family time, activities, lessons learned, recipes for dinners, car101, etc.),  So check out my new blog:  FamilyLife4ever.

I look forward to you following my new blog and reading any comments you might post.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Family Questionnaires

One of my family's favorite activities is to complete questionnaires that my wife made for us.  Each of us have the same questions, (there's hundreds of them--literally) and we answer them from our own perspective, experiences, and/or memories.  We often take time during camping, after dinner, or on a long weekend, and sit down together to complete a page of questions.  Once completed with the page, we each read our answers aloud...and that's when the laughs begin.

This past week, we took the opportunity after dinner one night to complete a page of questions.  One of the questions was:  "Is there a specific time when you feel lonely?"  My oldest son answered:  "When I'm alone" (which drew sympathy laughs), but then my youngest son answered:  "In the middle of the week!"  I supposed that was his honest answer (he loves going to Sunday school and youth group on the weekends), but I must admit that his answer totally made our family bust a gut laughing.

If  you've never done something like this with your family, I encourage you to write a few pages of questions and start the habit.  It will bring you many memories and tons of laughs.


Monday, October 27, 2014

I'm Back!

It's been too long since my last post...but I have a renewed interest in keeping this blog alive for myself and my readers--if I still have any. :)

So to my readers, I'll do my best to post once a week in the future.  The topics will be wide-ranging and may include aspects of life, love, laughs, travels, and more.  And yes, future topics will likely include something about cars--my one true love (excluding my wife, of course).  In fact, I've thought about starting a car blog...more to come on that adventure.

Until my next post,
