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Friday, April 5, 2013

The Unwritten Letter


It seems like just yesterday that you were here...how quickly time has passed since April 2005.  Oh how we celebrated your life as friends and family gathered that day in Ocala, when we last saw your face.  Never before had there been such a celebration for what normally is a time of sorrow.  We celebrated you, your life, and our memories of you.  We celebrated that you were with our God, and probably singing your favorite song ("How Great Thou Art") at His feet.

So much has changed since your passing; I wish you could have been here to see it all--but then again, you have seen it all...from above.  The boys have changed so much from when you last saw them--from young boys to handsome teenage men; and off course, your daughter-in-law and I have changed as well.  We're both now "over the hill".  I often wonder how you would have liked Oregon, and how often you would have come to visit us and experience all the sights in this beautiful state.

As I reflect on your life today, I realize how much you were a part of my life and how much I still miss you after so many years.  Dad, you were my best friend, my hero, and my mentor.  I know that we still talk at times, and I appreciate that you listen.  Today, I wanted you to know that I will continue your legacy by having the kind of relationship with my boys that you had with me--one that lasts forever and that spans time and space itself.

I miss you.

Your only son,


  1. I cannot believe that 8 years have passed. The boys were only 8 and 5. So much has really changed. We sure miss him. It has never been the same since he passed on.

  2. beautifully written Michael. We too miss him very much. I talk to him often as well.

    Love you baby brother.

  3. Praise the Lord for Tom Smith! I praise God for you, Mike, and the growth you have shown through these years. I prayed for you today.....continue on and may every word reach Heaven. I often think, "If I am talking with God who is with my Dad, then, how can I not believe that Dad hears me....in the way that only God can tell him?" So much about heaven .... we do not know.... yet, anyway. :)

  4. Hey son,

    Hope you are enjoying some down time! Life is short. Enjoy it along the way!

  5. Hey Mike, You haven't blogged for a while:) I know you are under a lot of stress. I am praying for you. I love you.
