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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Life Influences: Top 5 Persons

Over the last couple of weeks, I challenged myself to think about the top five persons who have had the greatest influence in my life.  In the next few weeks, I will share how these persons impacted my life.  Each person deserves a dedicated blog post, so I plan to write about them one at a time.  Most of the people are from my high school years at Ocala Christian Academy, one person was from the onset of my professional career at Kingdom, Inc., and one person was with me through most of my life.  The list below, in no particular order, represent those persons who have had the greatest influence in my life:
  • Sharon Lloyd, high school guidance counselor and teacher
  • John Sivley, high school basketball coach
  • Butch Etheredge, high school football coach
  • Dan Berguson, manager at Kingdom, Inc.
  • Tom Smith, dad and best friend

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