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Monday, December 24, 2012

Life Influences: Tom Smith

Tom Smith was my dad and a person who had a great impact on me until cancer took his life on April 5, 2005.  Even after his passing, the example he provided continues to impact my professional and personal life today.  My dad was a man a character and his word was everything.  When he said something to a person, you knew that he would follow through on what he had said.  My dad was a family man, and believed in, upheld, and nurtured the essence of a family.

The influence of my dad helped shape my professional life.  One of the driving principles I utilize in the workplace today is honesty.  I have practiced this my entire career, and have found it simplifies work, builds trust, and promotes teamwork.  Most staff I hire are quickly informed of this character trait with the explanation that through experiences and time, I hope they too will practice honesty.  My experience is that staff quickly realize the benefits and adopt this trait, and the influence of my dad is then passed on to others.

The family values I hold close also reflect the example provided by my dad.  My dad worked hard, played hard, but also enjoyed family time.  I am a family man to the core!  I love my two boys, my wife, and yes, even our two dogs--after all, they are a part of our family too.  Our family time often involves camping in our travel trailer.  We love to camp, and have seen many great sights in Oregon, and plan to see many more sights in the coming years (Canada, California, and maybe even Alaska).
Our KZ Spree 318bhs LX and Ford Excursion V10
Not only was my dad a major influence on my life, he was also my best friend.  We could talk about anything, and he would provide me advice from both a godly and a personal experience perspective.  I have taken this approach with my two boys, and hope that they too would continue this practice with their future children.

My dad also influenced my love for cars and working on them.  Unfortunately, my boys have not taken up the love of working on cars, but they do love new cars!  My dad and I spend hours and hours together while working on the Malibu, but that time was also spend discussing God, family, work, and life in general.  I miss those times, but have many pictures and videos of my dad and me, and the Malibu.
The Malibu--need I say anything more?
Dad, this post is dedicated to you and the example you provided to me.  I miss you, love you, and desire to be the type of father with my boys that you were with me.  I also realize that if I only become half the man that you were, I will still be more than any man on this earth.  Dad, you are forever remembered.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Life Influences: Dan Berguson

I first met Dan Berguson in 1995 when interviewing at Kingdom, Inc., in Mansfield, PA, for an Accounting Supervisor position.  It was in that interview that I also had my first interview blunder. When I sat down for the interview in Dan's office, I commented that I had dinner the night before with Johnny, his dad.  Dan broke out in laughter as I sat there stunned, trying to figure out what I had said wrong.  He said "thank you, but Johnny is my older brother," and then we both laughed.  I ended up landing my first management position at Kingdom as their Accounting Supervisor in charge of a great team who was responsible for billing and accounts receivable.  Dan Berguson was my manager for nearly 10 years, and we grew to be great friends. 

Dan is one of those people you hear about who grew up in a small town, lived in that same town their entire life, and everyone knows his family.  He is a great husband, loving father, and invests in those around him.  He genuinely cares about his employees, their families, and truly wants them to succeed in life.  Much of the business philosophy and principles I utilize in the work environment today, I learned from Dan.  He was my first business mentor.

About twice a year, Dan and I connect over the phone or through email.  I enjoy hearing how his children have grown and have started their own families, how the Kingdom business is doing, and how the small town of Mansfield is thriving.  I miss that small-town life, it's simplicity, and tranquility.  Most of all, I miss seeing Dan in his element--feeding his horses on the way to work, coaching an employee at work, or sharing about life with someone in town.

Dan, thank you for taking a risk on hiring a young kid with a college degree and only one year of experience, and then investing nearly ten years of your life in him.  I attribute much of my success in business and management to your mentoring and friendship.  Never forget that you made an impact on someone--me.  Thank you.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Life Influences: Butch Etheredge

I loved playing football in high school, and played under a great coach named Mr. Butch Etheredge (Coach Etheredge).  Coach Etheredge was a gentle giant of a man who pushed his players hard, yelled at them on the field, and supported and invested in their lives off the field.  His enthusiasm for sports was contagious, and his love for life was even more contagious.  Throughout my high school years, I also had the privilege of being good friends with Coach Etheredge's son Doug.  Doug and I used to cruise Silver Springs Boulevard in Coach Etheredge's 1969 El Camino SS 396.  It was one bad car and always made heads turn.

One football memory I have is from a game against Landmark Christian--who had a very good running back.  When we arrived in the motor coach at their field, Coach Etheredge gave us a pep talk and played the song "Eye of the Tiger" from the movie Rock IV.  The pep talk worked because we shut down Landmark's running back and won the game, and I also ran a 99-yard touchdown.  Every time I hear that song today it takes me back to that pep talk and game.

After nearly 20 years away, I visited OCA in July 2010 and had lunch with Coach Etheredge, who currently functions as the Maintenance Supervisor and Athletic Director.  We rode to lunch in my brother-in-laws Toyota Spyder with the top down, glasses on, and hair blowing in the wind--it was a blast.  It was great catching up with Coach Etheredge over lunch, and then walking through the gymnasium lobby and looking at all the trophies and plaques.  I sure miss those football years, but greatly enjoyed reflecting on those times with Coach Etheredge.  It is great to  know that Coach Etheredge is still investing in the lives of OCA students today.

This post is dedicated to him and his continuing service to students today.  Coach Etheredge showed me that I could accomplish more than I imagined and to never give up...and to enjoy cars.  Coach Etheredge, thank you for investing in me.  You are remembered.
Coach Etheredge and me in July 2010 at OCA.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Life Influences: John Sivley

Mr. John Sivley (Coach Sivley) was my high school basketball coach at Ocala Christian Academy (OCA).  Coach Sivley always taught his basketball players about discipline, respect, and trust.  Focusing on those aspects, he led our OCA team to four consecutive Florida Christian Conference championships from 1986-1989.  I still have the trophies, plaques, and t-shirts from those years, but the most important memory is the godly example that Coach Sivley lived.  I remember the numerous trips to games in the school van where Coach Sivley took the time to provide practical applications of living a Christian life.

My very first post on this blog related to Coach Sivley, and reflected his coaching style in a business context. Click here to read the post.  After writing the MBA paper, I researched and located Coach Sivley in Alabama.  It had been nearly twenty years since we last spoke, but the memories were still there for both of us.  After the call, I mailed Coach Sivley a copy of my paper, and the articles I had found during research.  However, the phrase that resonates in my mind from my conversation with Coach Sivley is "you are the first player to call me".

That phrase still saddens me, but at least I know that in the few minutes that we spoke, I was able to convey to Coach Sivley that his example did make an impact.  This blog post is a tribute to his never-ending dedication to basketball players, his godly example, and his impact on my life.  Coach Sivley, thank you.

The six seniors and Coach Sively from our 1989 championship year. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Life Influences: Sharon Lloyd

My memories of Mrs. Sharon Lloyd take me back to high school days at Ocala Christian Academy (OCA) when she was a guidance counselor and teacher.  We students often joked about how she always had perfect hair and makeup (as did her two daughters), but having a professional appearance was one of Mrs. Lloyd's signature trademarks.  Mrs. Lloyd had admirable attributes such as a calm demeanor, great listening skills, and a non-judging attitude.  These attributes blended perfectly with her role as a guidance counselor; and, when providing counseling to students, she was direct yet supportive, and always provided a godly perspective.

In July 2010, I had the privilege of visiting OCA (after nearly 20 years away), and stopped in to see if anyone from my high school days stilled worked there.  In reflection of her lifelong passion and skills, Mrs. Lloyd is still at OCA and currently functions as the school's elementary principal.  We had the opportunity to meet and share about life's events over the past 20 years.  It was great to know that she is still making a positive impact in student's lives today.

In recognition of her many years of service and to her impact on my life, I would like to dedicate this post to her and to convey my sincerest thanks for listening, sharing, and caring.  You did make a different in my life, and you continue to do so today in the lives of students at OCA.  Keep up the service, and always know that you are remembered.

July 2010 at OCA with Mrs. Sharon Lloyd.