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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Life Influences: Dan Berguson

I first met Dan Berguson in 1995 when interviewing at Kingdom, Inc., in Mansfield, PA, for an Accounting Supervisor position.  It was in that interview that I also had my first interview blunder. When I sat down for the interview in Dan's office, I commented that I had dinner the night before with Johnny, his dad.  Dan broke out in laughter as I sat there stunned, trying to figure out what I had said wrong.  He said "thank you, but Johnny is my older brother," and then we both laughed.  I ended up landing my first management position at Kingdom as their Accounting Supervisor in charge of a great team who was responsible for billing and accounts receivable.  Dan Berguson was my manager for nearly 10 years, and we grew to be great friends. 

Dan is one of those people you hear about who grew up in a small town, lived in that same town their entire life, and everyone knows his family.  He is a great husband, loving father, and invests in those around him.  He genuinely cares about his employees, their families, and truly wants them to succeed in life.  Much of the business philosophy and principles I utilize in the work environment today, I learned from Dan.  He was my first business mentor.

About twice a year, Dan and I connect over the phone or through email.  I enjoy hearing how his children have grown and have started their own families, how the Kingdom business is doing, and how the small town of Mansfield is thriving.  I miss that small-town life, it's simplicity, and tranquility.  Most of all, I miss seeing Dan in his element--feeding his horses on the way to work, coaching an employee at work, or sharing about life with someone in town.

Dan, thank you for taking a risk on hiring a young kid with a college degree and only one year of experience, and then investing nearly ten years of your life in him.  I attribute much of my success in business and management to your mentoring and friendship.  Never forget that you made an impact on someone--me.  Thank you.

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